This is what i believe the ranks should be like-----
Leader:Has all the capabilities of roster cuts,starting wars,and recruiting ppl
but its also his duty to train any players in th roster who need it
this is where most of the responsabilty is
Coleader:has rights to start wars,and recruit,but can't do any roster cuts,without talking it over with the leader
Coleads take full responsabilty during wars and tryout sessions
coleads can attend major clan meetings
General:worthy of being in a war,loyall members,very trustable
and has to make good decisions in war.can only start wars.also can attend major clan meeting
Captains:these ppl can join war with a lead,colead,or general.can't recruit,cut or start wars.
these ppl can't join major clan meeting,unless given permission by the leader or coleader
recruit:the beginners of in the clan,dont have any clan powers,cant join in wars(unless approved by the leader)
theses members earn a higher rank by showing loyalty to th clan,as also an improvement in skills
trainees start off as recruits after there training is complete
trainees:this rank was my idea,cuz honestly,i dont believe there are enough pros in mohh2,so i have made a decision to train noobs to become pros
trainees can only be taught by the member who has selected them
eventually a trainee ranks to a recruit
i'd say my system is pretty well balanced
let me know if you see any flaws in my system